Merchant Cash Advance

Merchant Cash Advance

In this day and age of cash flow issues due to the closure and suspension of many businesses, a merchant cash advance through Penn Commercial Capital may be the answer to payroll issues, needed business improvements, and other capital expense issues that you, as a business owner, may be experiencing. The purpose of this blog…

Working Capital Loans

What Can You Use a Working Capital Loan for and What Can’t You?

If you are in San Diego, small business loans are a practical and essential part of doing business, as they provide financing for expansion, hiring new staff, or just building capacity. There is a veritable laundry list of available loans for small businesses and help from the city of San Diego that your business could…

does the SBA have a loan requirement

Does the SBA Have Loan Requirements?

The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) is working on overdrive to provide a variety of funding options for small businesses, particularly during the trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic. To counter these negative impacts, the SBA stepped up its loan programs significantly, providing businesses throughout the country with a much-needed financial lifeline. The agency…

small business financing

How Industry Types Can Affect Small Business Financing

If your business lived through 2020, you are acutely aware that small business financing is filled with unique challenges that can make it tougher growing to that next level. We previously covered some of these challenges here, but others are directly connected to your industry of choice. In the following article, we will be looking…